In The Spotlight

Rachel Cousins – “Hell & High Water”

Based in Newfoundland, this rising Canadian singer and songwriter got her start at a young age in musical theatre and loved it. She started writing her own songs aged 13 and began learning guitar. Since she’s collected 6 MusicNL nominations and was named Pop Artist Of The Year in both 2020 and 2021. Inspired by Lennon Stella, Ariana Grande and Shawn Mendes, she debuted with “This Fire” in 2017.

Giving lyrical advice to someone who’s fallen in love but is bothered by past relationships, her new single teaches how to move forward by leaving the past behind. Coating her relatable words in vibrant indie-pop flavors, it’s the enchanting, mellow guitar and her charming, storytelling vocals that lead to the spirited pop chorus. Laden with emotional sensibilities, this tune is an ear-pleasing gem.

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