In The Spotlight

Rollin Rosatti – “Surrender”

With his roots firmly planted in the Southern Delta, this Memphis-native singer and songwriter found his passion in a blend of blues, soul and folk-rock. He grew up immersed in music, after famed songwriter Joe Leathers gave him an electric guitar aged 5 and would continue to mentor him. Inspired by Memphis’ history and rustic grit, he released his debut single “Don’t Stop” earlier this year.

His sophomore single adds a touch of gospel to his signature, vintage-tinted sound. Starting with an exalted, easygoing organ and mild percussion, it’s his divine vocals with a rapturous roughness, which give this melody a glorious edge. And with the addition of electric and acoustic guitars, completing the aural unity, it transcends the ordinary, rising to an extraordinary harmonic heaven.

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Music History

Beth Hart – “Bang Bang Boom Boom”

From her album “Bang Bang Boom Boom” (2012):

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New Music

Mads Langer – “Me Without You”

This is the first Summery taster of this Danish singer and songwriters upcoming album, slated for a Fall release:

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